OFF 375: 100% History

OFF event and clever partnerships to promote Montreal History Museums.

Alice Public Relations has developed a traditional and digital public relations campaign aimed at history enthusiasts, as part of an OFF 375 program for the History Museums of Montréal. The first component of the campaign was to develop strategic partnerships with key Montréal players, such as car2go, l’Itinéraire magazine, the Association des petits hôtels de Montréal and Journal Métro. In addition, ALICE will orchestrate public relations and promotional activities throughout 2017, including the publication of 100% History monthly articles in Journal Métro and special packages for tourists, etc.

Coverage behond expectations

The press conference launch has generated multi-platform coverage (print, digital, radio) of more than 2.6 million impressions, including major articles in Le Devoir, Huffington Post, and more. The press release has been picked-up by several media outlets. Social media garnered an additional 885,382 impressions.