Le Festival du Monde Arabe – Un incontournable de la culture à Montréal
For the 23rd edition of the Festival du Monde Arabe de Montréal, under the theme Corporel: When the Flesh Dictates the Narrative, ALICE RP provided MediaRelations services to reach the so-called traditional cultural media and responded to interviews requests from media partners and community media (WebTV) groups.
ALICE has also developed a media plan and confirmed a partnership with a local daily newspaper. Thus, the FMA obtained the publication of a feature article on the front page for the launch of the program (TRIBALE).
Overall, press coverage generated approximately fifteen million impressions and fifty (50) media opportunities. The publication of articles in Montreal’s main daily newspapers, mentions on national and international television and radio, as well as interviews with a dozen artists have been confirmed.
Several publications and websites from the Tourism industry have published in their cultural calendars the dates of the festival.